Monday 18 November 2013

Reproduction in Fungi, Learn How Fungi Reproduce


The word fungi is derived from fungue meaning brush like structure. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms. They are very beneficial organisms. A number of useful antibiotics are derived from them. i.e. penicillin. Without involvement of fungi, we can not make cheese, beer and other alcoholic foods. Mushrooms are also important food stuff for human beings. It has a lot of protein, vitamins and so many other minerals.


· They are eukaryotic organisms

· They are heterotrophs

· Lack chlorophyll and plastids

· Mode of nutrition is absorptive

· Plasma membrane contains ergosterol instead of cholesterol

· Cell wall is composed of chitin and various glucans, mannans and complex polysaccharides.

· Primary carbohudrate storage form is glycogen

· The structure is thallus like. It may composed of unicellular or multicellular hyphae

Reproduction of Fungi

In some primitive aquatic fungi, the interior thallus is transformed into one or more reproductive structures. Such fungi are called holocarpic, aquacarpic or hydrocarpic fungi. In majority of fungi, however the only a portion of mycelium is used in the formation of reproductive structure. These fungi are called eucarpic fungi.

Asexual Reproduction

Several crops of asexual reproductive structures are produced during the life cycle of fungi. This is the principle mean by which fungus is propagated. Asexual reproduction is accomplished by following methods.

1. Fragmentation

Any part of hyphae is capable of developing into ne mycelium under favorable conditions. Similarly, newly born mycelium is also capable of making new mycelium in favorable conditions. If the conditions are unfavorable, the mycelium is unable to form reproduce.

2. Blastopore

Small outgrowth appears on one side of parental cell which gradually enlarges and reach the size of its parent. It may remain attach to the parent cell for some time. Eventually it breaks off from its parent in the form of a spore. Such spores are called blastospore. When they become mature, they give rise to another bud and cycle continues.

3. Spores

The common method of asexual reproduction is by spores. Any vegetative cell may be transformed into a more or less specialized reproductive cells called spore.

Some fungi produce more than one type of spores and as many as four different type of spores may be produced in few fungi. These are called polymorphic fungi.

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